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Mechanisms for Neocortical Layer Formation via Multimodal ECM-mediated Regulation of Neuronal Migration


廣田 ゆき (慶應義塾大学 医学部, 講師) 

Yuki Hirota (Keio Univ.)

研究紹介Figure_廣田ゆき - 廣田ゆき.jpg


Excitatory neurons, which account for 70% of mammalian cortical neurons, are born mainly in or near ventricular zone during embryonic development and migrate radially through the intermediate zone to the surface of the brain. When they reach the marginal zone, the most superficial layer of the brain, they stop migrating, allowing new neurons to pass through preceding neurons and replace them. These modes of neuronal migration are thought to have contributed to the expansion of the surface area of the mammalian brain and are strictly regulated by diverse signaling pathways. The ECM is abundant in the developing CNS and regulates axonal guidance, myelination, and synapse formation. On the other hand, the embryonic cerebral cortex also contains abundant ECMs such as CSPGs in the intermediate and marginal zones, but their significance is unknown. We found that CSPGs exhibit opposite multimodal functions during cortical formation, namely, “promotion of migration in the intermediate zone” and “termination of migration just below the marginal zone.” Base on these observations, we will investigate how ECMs in the developing cerebral cortex control neuronal migration and contribute to cortical layer formation.

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